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-33.931746, 18.40826
5 Upper Union Street, Gardens, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town
Follow Airport “Exit” signage then pick up on “Cape Town” signs as you leave the Airport area. After 3km (1.86miles) you join the N2 double lane motorway heading for Cape Town. At the 11.3km (7.02miles)
mark the highway turns sharp right and then at the 11.7km (7.27miles) mark N2 motorway turns sharply left...follow left curve and “N2 City” signage. 13.5km (8.39miles) mark bear right following the “City N2” signage. Keep straight on the highway and watch out for the speeding cameras. At the end of this highway you will arrive at a very large intersection with a few sets of traffic lights. The entrance to the V&A Waterfront is to your right and the Cape Town Convention Centre is on your left hand side.
Cross over all these without turning off. This street is called Buitengracht Street (see map above).
Continue straight along Buitengracht Street, four lanes will decrease to two and will eventually become a one-way street called New Church Street. Do not turn off anywhere. At the top of New Church Street there’s another intersection with traffic lights. Here the road becomes a two way street again and there is a set of casual restaurants on your left hand side. Cross over these traffic lights and turn left at the second street after the intersection. This is Upper Union Street, Cape Cadogan Boutique Hotel is situated 120meters (395ft) down Upper Union Street on the right hand side. Find parking anywhere in the street and our porters will come to greet you and assist with your luggage. WELCOME to our amazing boutique hotel in Cape Town.