Shipwreck Survivor (Dow)

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The Shipwreck Challenge is a great way to promote staff interaction and strengthen relationships. Before the challenge starts, each team needs to create a war cry and introduce themselves.

By the end of a fun day like this team members will have connected with each other through fun and games. The benefits of this bonding will be experienced well into the future.

The team building activities vary from partaking in blindfolded navigation until a specific location is reached, to building a craft and paddling out to the shipwreck to save your team member. The day ends with a tug of war to see which team is truly the strongest.

Beach volleyball as a final activity is optional – this will depend on time and whether the team have any energy left after the busy, competitive day.

Finally all the scores will be added and the winner announced. Upon request, teams can enjoy a braai and refreshments, a worthwhile reward at the end of an active day.

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